Top Ac Repair Fixes – Home Improvement Tax

Repairing AC problems can be an important skill that can help not just fix the issue and avoid the need to hire costly contractors.

The first and most common fault is caused by a damaged capacitor. This can be spotted if you hear a buzz that suggests the machine is trying to start but does not at the point of starting. Old models will have multiple capacitors. Therefore, they all may need replacing.

The most popular reason is due to a shortage of refrigerant. Unfortunately, this issue needs to be handled by a specialist, but prior to calling, try washing down the condenser unit and replace the furnace filter.

Condensate drainage that is blocked is another common problem. Check your basement to diagnose this problem. The reason for this is that the appearance of large water puddles. The solution is closing off the AC after which you can check your pipes for any plugs or obstructions.

Motors can be damaged if it won’t start at all. It is crucial to have the right tools and power supplies for the specific motor you are to replace.

See the video attached for further details.
