This May Be The Most Addictive Drug in The World – Entertainment Videos

A dangerous and dangerous substance has been spreading throughout south Asia as well as the Pacific Island. It has ravaged countries such as Shri Lanka, Myanmar, and Indonesia. Up to 50% of locals within Papua New Guinea are currently taking the drug every day. In this video, you’ll discover the risk of Betel Nut also known as Buai.

Betel Nut refers to the seeds of the Areca Palm tree. It is crushed into fine powder and then mixed with seashells or lime powder. It gives users an addictive feeling in the same manner as Nicotine in cigarettes does. This is a huge issue since Betel Nut directly causes oral cancer. This has led to Papua New Guinea having the most cancer-prone mouth worldwide.

Here in our country in the United States, we are also suffering from a drug epidemic. The opioid epidemic is taking the lives of millions of Americans. Don’t let this happen you. It’s never too late to seek help. Consider contacting one of the many excellent opioid addiction counselors.
