Severe Lower Back Pain Causes and Remedies – Greg’s Health Journal

g. The condition can force the patient to avoid going to the physician for fear of being given an unnecessary alternative for surgery.

One simple method to relieve severe lower back pain is to eat food that can help you replenish the body’s fluids. It is possible to do this by eating or drinking fluids. No matter what the weather it’s important to drink at least three Liters of fluids each day. Also, salads and vegetables assist in retaining fluidsand maintain the kidneys working properly.

Foods that are healthy is those that are high in of water content. Avoid foods that contain lots of sugar since sugar can hinder the kidneys’ capability to remove fluids. The body can store the fluids that are derived from refined sugars that can cause problems with bladder function and even evening-time accidents.

Avoid Painful Activities

It’s best to steer clear of the activities that create lower back painfulness. This is particularly the case if you have spinal stenosis. Avoid repeated movements as well as heavy lifting. Most of the time, you can continue working.

Injuries and repetitive strains are among the most common causes of extreme lower back discomfort. The most commonly causing injury is the improper lifting of heavy things and incorrect way of sitting and standing. If you work in an environment in a position where you have to bend to lift heavy objects be sure you’re in the correct position and that your surroundings are safe so that no accidents may happen.

Regularly take breaks to ensure an upright posture during your work. Repetitive movements can cause injury and discomfort to your spinal column. In order to avoid injuries, you can modify the working environment with an epoxy floor.

If you’ve been injured during work, you should seek medical attention right away. In order to get compensation, you will also require an attorney for accidents.


